
Sustainable asphalt technology for paving, runways, roofing and more


We are currently under contract with the US Air force to demo the solution in early 2022. There are several USAF bases already expressing interest about the technology. Electric (EV) and Unmanned (UMV) versions are currently in development.

Check out some of our disruptive technologies. . .

Hot Patch On Demand (HOTPOD)

HOTPOD offers the performance of hot patch with the convenience of cold patch.

Hot Patch On Demand (HOTPOD) is a rapid runway repair technology originally developed by the US Army Engineer Research & Development Center (ERDC).

When a runway is damaged by weather or acts of war, it can make it impossible for planes to take off or land. As you can imagine, this is mission critical for military bases.

Bases equipped with HOTPOD can start repairing their runways, and other pavement, with hot asphalt within 5 minutes of incurring the damage. This is made possible by our patented rapid inductions heating technology.

HOTPOD has received a $50,000 Phase I and a $500,000 AFWERX STTR Phase II contract for development of this technology. It was also the Official Showcase Selection of the 2020 Air Force Base of the Future for Installation Resilience and a CSO winner for the AFWERX Flightline of the Future Challenge.

We are in the process of finalizing our military grade HOTPOD system and it will soon be available to military bases throughout the world.



Proprietary technology heats asphalt to 350 degrees in 5 minutes or less


Withstands extreme pressures, including 100 fighter jet passes


Tested and proven in all operational environments, no matter how extreme

Recycled Polymer Modified Asphalt (RPMA)

Asphalt mixed utilizing necoPave can be used with any traffic, in any weather or climate.

necoPave is developing recycled polymer modified asphalt made from various proprietary polymer feedstocks to help to enhance what is currently used in normal asphalt composition.

necoTECH has completed initial studies on this product and continues to conduct research through the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT), with a Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE) testing grant, and with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC).


necoTECH has completed initial studies on this product and continues to conduct research through the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT), with a Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE) testing grant, and with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC).

Features & Applications

Our necoPave products are a unique polymer modified asphalt (PMA) made from recycled plastics, or recycled polymer modified asphalt (RPMA). necoPave RPMA has been tested against conventional pavement mixes and has been shown to reduce rutting, cracking, and potholes.

necoPave RPMA is the ideal material for weight for weight-sensitive applications such as bridge decks, parking garages, or other weight-sensitive structures. Mixing RPMA into asphalt enhances stiffness, increases resistance against rutting, and has less moisture-induced damage.

Our goal is to use necoTECH’s Recycled Polymer Modified Asphalt in large-scale sustainable infrastructure projects such as highways and runways, as well as in roofing materials.

Embedded Sensors for Smart Pavement

Enabling Smart Cities and for use in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Installations, Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are part of our technological future.

Embedded sensors are a critical component of AV operations and smart cities. necoTECH has leveraged our portfolio of technologies to create a solution for embedded sensors to enable smart cities and AVs.

necoTECH’s technology portfolio centers around sustainable infrastructure and concrete. We use two of our current technologies as viable pathways to embedding sensors for autonomous operations. Examples of sensors that could be embedded in pavement include strain gages, break wires, thermocouples, FOD detection, weather analysis devices, moisture & pressure sensors, fiber optics, circuit boards, shape memory alloys, and many more.

HOTPOD Sensor Capability

Hot Patch on Demand (HOTPOD) is the first system that enables sensor embedding. The system uses rapid heating of Hot Mix Asphalt Material. Working with both the US Army Corps of Engineers and the US Air Force.

HOTPOD is proven for use in all ambient temperatures. It is currently used as a path repair in asphalt and concrete pavements, and the functionality lends itself to the installation of sensors.

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