Funding & Licensing

necoTECH has five funded AFWERX contracts with the US Air Force. Plus, we are in the process with two more Phase IIs in this year’s pipeline which could add up to $1.5M to our funded research.

Military Funding Agreements

$50,000 20.A STTR Phase I (HOTPOD) [March 2020]
$500,000 20.A STTR Phase II (HOTPOD) [September 2020]
$50,000 21.1 SBIR Phase I (necoPave RPMA) [April 2021]
$50,-000 21.A STTR Phase I (necoWaste) [April 2021]
$50,000 21.2 SBIR Phase I (necoPave RMV) [October 2021]
$750,000 21.2 SBIR Phase II (necoPave RMV) [July 2022]
$75,000 22.D STTR Phase I (necoPave Automated Joint Sealer) [November 2022]
$75,000 22.D STTR Phase I (necoPave Tankless Crack Sealer) [November 2022]
$75,000 22.D STTR Phase I (necoCrete Rapid Concrete Deployment Machine – RCDM) [November 2022]

Research Grant

$100,000 Carpet Recovery Effort (CARE) [August 2020]

Licensed Patents

Carbon Sequestering Concrete
Sustainable Replacement for Portland Cement
Cementless Flowable Concrete
Mobile 3D Concrete Printing System

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